Beef cattle production basics: Part 1

Beef fattening is a profitable business in the arena of animal agriculture in Bangladesh. In the recent report, it has been revealed that the char dwellers are profitably doing the beef fattening in Bangladesh. In this article, I am going to discuss about the basics of scientific beef rearing. 

Cattle selection,judging, housing, feeding, grading, marketing of fettened cattle are discussed here successively. The myth regarding beef fattening is it needs to  apply the drug for fattening. But using drug particularly for fattening is strictly prohibited rather to use some vitamins and minerals supplements. Before taking the project, one has to cover some basic fattening aspects.  

Cattle selection

This one is the most important topics should be considered before taking the project. As Bangladesh still don't have any improved fattening breed, Brahma crossbred is recommended if available. Otherwise crossbred cattle might be a good option. 

Deshi or local cattle may be selected for long term fattening process (5-6 months or more). From market analysis, local or indigenous cattle breed and zebu cross are in high demand. For rural farmers with short time fattening it is recommended to select crossbred cattle rather deshi or local. In case of commercial fattening  program Brahma crossbred or other improved zebu crossbred might be the best option in Bangladesh.

Selection criteria for beef cattle is important. Today beef cattle are considered as industry or enterprise. The term breeding better cattle is now replacing by the better beef cattle breeding. Herd performance emphasized more than that of individual basis. Traits which are considered more important for upcoming few generations should be the traits of interest for current selection within breeds. 

Cattle selection goals includes as breeding cattle that are heavy at weaning, gain fast in the feedlot, cut a high percent of retail trimmed steak and roast meat, produce tender beef and are highly fertile. Important traits which should be considered in selection process includes consistent and high fertility, sound and docile in case of bull which will be used for breeding. 

In case of steer, sound and docile, efficient feed conversion, high average daily gain, lean muscular carcass with high cutout, tender, palatable beef are desirable trait and early puberty, small size with low feed or land cost per head are considered undesirable traits.
Characteristics of  an ideal market steer

The ideal market steer should be a stout, fast growing animal that is heavy muscled and carries a minimum amount of outside fat. From the side, the ideal steer should be free of extra leather in the throat area and have a clean, neat brisket and dewlap. The middle should be trim with a clean, long underline. 

The flank should not be excessively tight, nor should it be excessively deep as some judges prefer it “today”. Extra depth and excessive fullness to the flank is nothing but waste fat. The animal should have a muscular forearm, a thick, strong muscular top and a long, level, wide rump. The quarter should be long and deep with flare and expression throughout. Structural correctness should be emphasized also. 

Market animals should move in a free, easy manner and stand square and straight on their feet and legs. The object of all market animals is to produce a carcass that results in the maximum amount of lean red meat yield, with a minimum amount of waste fat. 

Next topic: Judging of beef cattle

Nuronnabi Sagor

